... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Indoor Blip: Fuzzy-Wuzzy Waddae

Supercuter in large
Adorable extras:
Light and dark
Face covering
What Waddae?

Thank you for your kind words about Minkey; it seems so still and quiet downstairs without him, but I'm very glad that he's no longer struggling or suffering.

I've photographed Im's rats before, but it has always been Floris or Wyddfa; Waddae is the most shy and the most sleepy, although she's still pretty playful once you've woken her and tempted her out. Waddae is Floris's daughter, as Floris arrived at Imogen's house already (invisibly) pregnant.
All of Imogen's rats are female, which is the safest birth control strategy in their case...

Others here (or right from Light and dark)

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