
More misty drizzle to start the day.
My 8-1 shift today had been removed from the ersoter yesterday so I was no longer required to work today. Hence the blip catch up. I have considered not continuing with blip but it helps me remember what I'm doing with my life and I enjoy reading other peoples journals.
Our local hospital has more in patients with corona than without and they are finding spaces to add more beds. The highest death rate (1,600+) plus was recored yesterday and I fear it may increase before recovering over he next 2 weeks. It's ok having the extra beds but there needs to be an infrastructure to care for the people lying in them. I really feel for the staff under pressure on these wards. The good news is that rates are slowly declining and the vaccine roll out is on it's way. However, we remind people, when giving the vaccine, to carry on with masks, social distancing and hand washing until advised to do otherwise.

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