
By ninniex

Oh my goodness...........

.........what a day! 

At 3:00am a huge storm woke me. Thunder, lightning and heavy rain. I stayed awake because i was checking the weather forecasts and the BoM maps. Didn't look good. But.....nothing ventured, nothing gained.........they say. So, a two hour drive to Bremer Bay in the storm, the boat waited for us, 2 hours in the worst rough weather to the canyon, four hours with the orca, two hours back to harbour and then two hours drive to Albany. Big day nana! 
But - well worth it! Unfortunately it was so rough, I have deleted over 300 images as there were lots of the sky, water, a fin tip or nothing. Blimey they were tough conditions.
Ive had a quick look. Need to go to sleep. I might add some more later.......
Doyley22 wasn't well. I may add her as an extra if she allows it ;-)

She said yes but I can’ would be too cruel ;-))
Poor girl was so sick :-(

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