Snow #2

Round 2 of proper snow.
Woke up to a sheet of white and the world was looking pretty albeit grey skies.
Patients started cancelling so we brought everyone forward and saw back to back in the morning. So far so good
Took a longer lunch and walked home to see the kids and make a steak pie for tea. Mushy slushy way back for an easy afternoon
Eh no
Two emergencies back to back...
First guy pinged a bungee cord into his eye yesterday and was rather sore today. Nasty corneal abrasion but thankfully no retinal detachment. Gets the heart beating in these circumstances as it becomes a ticking clock to get the appropriate help ASAP. Thankfully he was ok. I relaxed.
Next patient, bad stye on his eyelid on Monday and I thought just coming in for a wee review.
He had been kept awake in agony the last two nights with a sore right eye and this morning woke up to his sight down to hand movements only. Booga
Did as much as I could but looks like a very nasty uveitis with his iris bowed back and stuck onto his lens. ‘Posterior syncheiae’ never a good sign No view of the back of the eye at all. Not good.
Phoned ARC the emergency line for the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion,and literally kicked him out of the practice to get him there as quick as possible. Here’s hoping they can save the eye with a mega dose of steroids but he may have left it too late.
By now I’m running half an hour late and the heart racing with adrenaline. Thankfully only a lovely pair of twins to finish off with with lots of bad jokes to swop which is my real raisin d’etre.
my favourite bad joke?
What time does Andy Murray get out of bed in the mornings?

Tennish :))))))))))))))

Thank you and good night

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