New day

Missed most of yesterday’s inauguration of the new US President but caught up tonight and what a joyous celebration it was. Real hope for the super power without the Thunderc*** in charge, the future looks bright

Follow on from yesterday’s dramatic patient I gave him a wee phone to see how he’d got on at the hospital.
Oh dear, seven hours of tests, head scratching with the ophthalmologists unable to see the back on the eye and eventually did a B scan which seemed to reveal a mass bacterial infection of the retina. Unable to get the right meds in quick enough, he had to be pinned down to get injections in his eye every fifteen minutes for hours.... even I’m getting squeamish now.
Lots of blood tests taken, still unknown real cause but eight weeks of steroids, hourly for the next week alone. Poor guy! But a learning lesson for us never to be complacent. My boss had an opportunity to see him on Monday... but in his wisdom, triaged him by phone...diagnosing a bad style...needless to say he was on the phone first thing this morning s****ing himself that he’d missed something. Technically he hadn’t as he didn’t bloody seen the patient however as I pointed out strongly to him, I would have acted differently in the same circumstances.

Ok ,one eejit is out of office today but one still working in mine!

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