Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

New purchase

For many years, I purchased expensive (American) candles - hubby moaned about the sooty remains left. So I stopped buying.

Recently introduced to another type of scent company but with plug in warmers and wax melts. Love the warmer, but picked what I thought would be a nice fresh smell - clothesline - NOT. May have use some alternatives to remove the smell. [hubby not keen on the smell, very strong and smelling like “clean public conveniences!”] :)

As Caleb wasn’t at school today (our daughter is having to self isolate), I took a trip to the newsagents to buy some cards, back for lunch then a Teams training session (booked before I changed my day off). Lovely long chat with AJ, she is still having to remain in her room as they have some positive cases at her home. She had her vaccination last week, is feeling good but fed up of being cooped up in her room. She dies regular exercises around her room as she said she would just sit and watch tv all day. I told her I am not very motivated at the moment to do anything so spend a lot of time in front of the tv ...... not good. They are carrying out resident COVID tests the end of this week, she hopes they will be out of their rooms some time next week - fingers crossed :)


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