Fun in the Snow

The forecast predicted about 30 cm of snow, and in the way of these things we got a bit more than that before the storm had even ended. (It's still falling now!)
We didn't wait for it to finish, we went out to see what needed clearing. It took 30 minutes just to clear the area around the fronr door and a similar time to clear away enough snow from the cars so I was sure they would be visible as our neighbour cleared the driveway with his tractor!
Jan started on the kayak tent but first she had to wade through some deep snow to get there. Once there she found the tent heavily weighed down. First we sweep the snow off the tent, then we dig the snow away from the sides. That was another hour of work. Finally, just before it got dark we set to work on the veranda roof. Soon it was completely dark and we were using head torches. Jan has an interesting blip where my 6000 lumen head torch was shining on the forest, across the garden!
When I came back into the house I was looking a bit like a snowman myself! (Jan has an extra)
Of course, this is a lot of work, but at the same time it's a lot of fun too. And there's no need for a gym card and no danger of catching Covid as you work out!
I think my shoulders are going to ache tomorrow, but I'll warm up with yoga and then out to shovel more snow!

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