
By karisfitch

In the room beyond

I find the writings of Dallas Willard fascinating...helping me to understand the truth I’ve grown up hearing in a way I’ve never imagined. Currently reading “The Divine Conspiracy”; this morning’s section was about moving out of our “temporary house” (that is, our present body). There was one bit that particular caught my attention...

“Another picture is of one who walks to a doorway between rooms. While still interacting with those in the room she is leaving, she begins to see and converse with people in the room beyond, who may be totally concealed from those left behind. Before the widespread use of heavy sedation, it was quite common for those keeping watch to observe something like this. The one making the transition often begins to speak to those who have gone before.”

Shared this with my Grandma, and she told me of my Great-Grandmother (my Grandpa’s mother) who as she was dying, said: “For me? All this for me?”

She was a very meek and humble lady, a servant of Jesus.

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