My Cup Overfloweth

In line with my new half full glass persona, I jumped out of bed this morning full of the joys of another day of lockdown to test the icy conditions outside the door by going for the paper at 7:30 am.
What I saw of the frozen landscape suggested I strap my ice studs onto my boots to perform my morning walk. This allowed me to tramp over the Meadows unhindered by the snow and patches of ice, avoiding any suspect untreated paths.

The sun shone out of a cloudless sky, showing up the need for a blitz on the kitchen surfaces. With the housework done, it was time for coffee and the crossword. My glass was still half full and it only got better.

Daughter #2 who doesn’t work on Friday ( I’d forgotten that) arrived to collect climbing boots for my granddaughter who is intent on climbing all 7 hills of Edinburgh and today or tomorrow it is the snowy Braids, but not, her mother insists, in her Doc Marten’s.

Daughter #4 Face timed me from her park in Glasgow after lunch. She had abandoned home schooling for some exercise with Nina and Ewan. Just as we were in the middle of our conversation I had an incoming call from my medical practice and by some miracle I was able to stop the FaceTime chat and connect to the practice manager who told me there was a vaccine clinic on Saturday 30th and would I like to come and get ‘the jab’.
Hallelujah! You bet! It’s been a long time coming but finally someone has got their arse in gear and is about to deliver. My glass is no longer half full, it runneth over!

The extra is my phone screen saver and is by coincidence a photo of His Lordship exactly 3 years ago, almost to the day, in the snowy Meadows before we knew what was about to hit us. Ignorance was bliss

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