
By Veronica


A quickly snatched phone photo from the window this evening as the sun set. A proxy blip by S as I had a cat on my lap, and naturally he could not be disturbed since lap-sitting is a rare event!

I'd briefly been out blip-hunting earlier; at one point the wind was blowing so hard that I turned my back and leaned on it so that I wouldn't be blown off my feet. Not the best conditions for photographing almond blossom. So my photos were deleted.

In the morning I was out early for a clandestine sausage and bacon rendezvous in a rural layby. The weather was OK at that point, but while I was in the supermarket after my charcuterie collection, there was a torrential rainstorm, luckily almost over when I came out. I did a big shop because the fewer visits I make to supermarkets the better, and was glad to get home to a blazing fire.

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