A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Grey cold day. Lunchtime was mainly a stock up for the week's fruit and soup from Morrisons.

Karate tonight. Last week Cupcake learnt his black belt grading was set for a couple of weeks from today. He'll be fine, if only we can agree on the opening moves of Empi.

My student, C, who has a mental disability, is doing well learning his kata too. It's a real pleasure when I succeed in getting him to speak, this being one of the challenges; even though it's most often to point out that my demo was in error.

Brief pause to update some Meeting policy documents, and then off to the station to meet S on his return from the Even Flatterlands, the lands of windmills and multitudinous bikes.

Bikes that are probably in better condition than these in the morass at the station.

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