Sunday's painting...

...I fell asleep, iPad in my hands while doing this digital painting. 3hours later woke up, iPad still in my hands. Cat is trying to wrestle the iPad off me. I feed cat. Check if I still have digital painting. I DO!

It is not finished again, so this is a quick 5 min 'finish' on what the iPad kindly saved for me. 

I need to get back to my upturned bedroom. Why? Because last night when I went to bed, I discovered that the humidifier I need to have on because of my dry eyes when central heating is on, had caused damp and some mould. And then I knocked over my hot Apple cider vinegar drink with inulin in it (sticky stuff) all over some important drawers and my bedding. So my bedroom looks like devastation has hit it. I now need to clean, wash bedding, deal with mould, leave my bedroom window open 24/7 again, and so on and so on...

No rest for the wicked...but I've been good...honest!

Here we are, 'finished' unfinished painting in Procreate...

Update edit...
There's an uncontrolled bush fire near my daughter and family in Oz.
Conditions are dangerous and firefighters are now unable to prevent the fire spreading. Nothing is safe.
She is in the path of it.
She has packed the car and kids and leaving now. Many people are unable to leave their immediate vicinity, even to drive, because the heat will kill them before the flames reach them.
I am trying to track the bush fire, and her...

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