
By Upoffmebum

Bushfire smoke

Didn't realise it at the time, but my camera clock was set 12 hours behind, so this photo was actually taken about 10am this morning (25 January 2021). Heavy, acrid smoke from 3 bushfires burning in the Adelaide Hills to the east came rolling in over the coastal suburbs, making breathing rather uncomfortable, and setting off metropolitan-wide respiratory alerts.
In the middle third of this photo, the smoke is completely obscuring the view of the sea and the coastline to the north.
To escape the smoke, we drove about 20 kms south and parked on Moana Beach for coffee and breakfast and a bit of people-watching - see Extra pics. The sky remained quite grey and overcast, but not a whiff of smoke to be had.
Arrived back home about 3 hours later, and most of the smoke had dispersed. You could no longer smell it in the air. The latest bushfire update reported that so far, there'd been no deaths or casualties from the bushfires. Fingers crossed.
As a bonus, we got back our view of the sea and the coastline - see Extra pics.

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