Bouquet in bas relief

The birthday bouquet from my son and family is still looking beautiful, over a week after its delivery. All in shades of whites and silver, it tones well with the view outdoors. Today's sunshine really made the snow glow and gleam.

The photo detail straight from the camera (apart from cropping to a square shape) is my Extra. My main blip is after Photoshopping it using a 'bas relief' filter, adding a touch of saturation, and framing. Hope you like it.

Met our son-in-law's parents on my walk today and ended up walking with them AND with a four-legged one, who is 99% sure to be their new puppy. The beagle is being rehomed and they're looking after her for a week to see how they get on, with a view to providing her forever home. Having met her, and seen her affectionate nature and beautiful looks, I can't imagine she'll be going anywhere, but become a part of the family. Little Miss B loves dogs, so she will be pleased, too. Fingers crossed they do decide to keep her. (They'd only had her for a few hours when I met them.) Watch this space!

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