jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Today (and a fair bit of last night) has ben spent working... working at our toddler group this morning where I had a stall today, and working this afternoon while we were at friends' house, putting all the new Mothers' Day stuff onto my shop and updating the facebook page, and this evening after putting the boys to bed packaging up the first Mothers Day orders!

Thankyou for all the blipday love for yesterday, it still tickles me that I didn't even know it was approaching - and I hadn't spotted my shiny new blue camera icon until someone mentioned it!! What a numpty :D

Honestly haven't seen a great deal of the boys today. Bear had a whole twenty minutes' sleep today. He was doing his I'm So Tired I Have To Waggle My Head thing quite a lot, looked like he was going to simply give up and go to sleep lying on the floor this afternoon (stupidly I didn't grab a wrap on our way out), then predictably took quite a long time to settle for bed. Bean only found me to ask for a biscuit this morning, and to have a quick cuddle this afternoon. And he loves going to bed at the moment!

I've just been up to resettle the Bear. He had his fill, sort of tried to get up to crawling, belly-flopped onto the Bean who snorted and moved out of the way, appeared to get a bit confused and started rooting on Bean's chest before deciding he was acceptable as a snugglemate and has fallen back asleep lying on Bean's arm :) My goodness but those two do make my heart just burst with love sometimes!

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