A stone Lady by 4yo

And some Andy Warhol art work on the computer for 7yo!
This morning after a number of 'who am I' games with 4yo I showed her some of Petralpa's pictures with stones and this was what she came up with! 
We also looked at the letter 'C' and made cow, cat , cut and sit.  Then we read 'I'm going on a bear hunt and she noticed 'it' at the end of various lines!  
Roast chicken for lunch with roasted parsnips and carrots, with  broccoli and some Soba Noodles as I forgot to cook potatoes and they only take 3 mins to cook.  For afters some raspberries and various yogurts. Tomorrow I will make some chicken burgers with what is left of the chicken! 

 In the afternoon we were given some sheets to colour in Andy Warhol style for 7yo. While she coloured some in with pencils I uploaded a couple onto the computer.  She is having trouble using a mouse !  Otherwise she's doing great and worked out all her own colours and where to put them!  It's  the first time she uses photoshop herself (with a lot of help) so I think she has done really well!

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