Gitama's World

By Gitama

New Gum Boots and a Pelican

Just Shoot Me!......yes yes I know another pic of Flynn.

What to say the weather is crap..........a quick dash out for supplies and for Flynn to try out his new gumbies.....and to have a drive by the water.

A bloke nearly ran over Rumi today.......our fault...he told us to get our dog under control...we agreed...he had nowhere to go...just smoke out of the ears.

Checked the beach out too....a very sad state of affairs...brown murky foam and lots of flotsam and jetsam all over the beach..... a friend told me that at least its not 3 meters of nets and all sorts of other rubbish like on Bali beaches these days.

Anyway.....Flynn had fun...we saw a Pelican...we got rained on a bit ...... I got quite a bit of work done and had time left over to have a play with've just gotta love that.

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