
I’m on a mission to walk 100 miles this month. We’ve had so much ice and mud it’s not been easy so today we decided to try to go on more roads. So -Pennystane Lane, Carriage drive, Rickety Gate, the red road right past Blue Mill to the Whittingham road and along that 1/2 a mile to a bridleway that went steeply up towards Glittering Stone then heads up to the moor. From there back down a bit to reach Physic Lane and back home via West Hills. Over 20,000 steps and almost 8 miles. It was damp and now and again rainy.

Over 100000 deaths in UK from Covid. The PM says he’s done all he can. No he hasn’t. He’s too late doing everything.

I had a very disturbed night again last night though no significant dreams. Linda did want me to buy some plates from her which I didn’t want to do, but in the interests of maintaining friendship I did. They were thick 1970s earthenware of icky beige with big brown flowers - the kind of thing you’d get free with petrol.

Ella and Nathaniel showed me their lesson on the digestive system. It involved a bowl, tights, red colouring, banana and biscuits The rectum was black plastic from which they squeezed the poo. I think their Mum found it fun too - more fun than teaching on-line anyway.

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