LD 311 New normal signature ?

The new normal , for me at least, means much  less time at Holyrood (though I will be there next week ) and no time (alas) travelling and working right across my vast Argyll & Bute constituency.

But it does mean very long hours at my desk in my study at home.

Some of that time is spent taking part in debates or committees at a "virtual" Holyrood  and  voting on legislation there each "sitting day" , some on participation in other Ministerial events (such as speaking this afternoon at a UNESCO Seminar on indigenous languages held jointly with some Arctic Council contributors) , some in the evenings speaking with SNP and YES groups, some (a lot) on constituency correspondence  and helping with the many problems that individuals have and some directly on COVID legislation and regulatory issues like an appearance most Thursdays , alongside Jason Leitch, in front of the Parliament's  Covid Committee giving evidence about the regulations as they change and develop. 

That also means  dealing with the actual detail of legislation and  regulations when necessary, like today when a new set covering some details of  the ban on drive in cinemas and the need to allow closed premises to open for the vaccination campaign  needed a signature to bring them into effect. 

It used to be that those were brought to a Minister for signing.   Now they get emailed, I print out the relevant page, sign it and return it.  

Another adaptation and perhaps,  in time,  a new normal. 

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