Before the Sun

Mist hung low, trees like ghostly armies marching into the distance
Grounded seagulls starkly  white against the gloom.
Frosty rime outlining the railings and steps as I leave the warmth of the house
To stand  chilly amongst the early commuters and capture the scene.

A perfect orb of sun appears outlined behind the cloud
To burst through as I watch, and bathe the air in dazzling light
Dispersing the mist as though it had never been.

Now with sunshine and blue skies, the bare branched trees are silhouettes
Laced along with a thousand drops of water
Shimmering and sparkling like jewelled necklaces.
Snowdrops along the patio edge lift their heads to the sun,
And the white crocuses, hidden in the border, open to reveal orange stamens.

Spring is having a dress rehearsal.

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