Flower Friday : : January Roses

Once again I have inadvertently (and not a few bad words) erased everything I wrote for today, so here is a recap:

After dire warnings of a gullywasher rain, the soil stayed put, the creek stayed within its banks and the roses bloomed when normally we would be pruning them.
Our friends Gail and Bob and I were the only three people in the Zoom Pilates class this morning. Sonya taught it anyway but she didn't mute us and we chatted while we rolled and stretched.

The metrics have changed (or another way of putting it would be the goalposts have been moved...is that an American expression?) and we are allowed to dine outside again. John and I met Gail and Bob at Cafe Frida because Mamadou has heaters...and very nice they were too because it was close to freezing . 

We tried to figure out the puzzle of putting in necessary handrails and one small bit of  fencing  by the stairs from the fire garden outside our bedroom to the driveway. They used to be virtually invisible but no longer...I put the picture  I sent to the metal fabricators in extras.

I looked at my calendar this morning and realized that the only things on it are medical appointments.... 

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