The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Groomed! And I smell delicious!

The weather was horrible this morning so Steve took Phoebs out for a walk in the rain and let have a good run around before taking her to the groomers.

I think dog grooming is technically considered non-essential but for a cockapoo owner I am not sure how that can be true.  There have been some tight matty bits under her ears I am really struggled to get out and it's not good for them when that happens.  We got her cut a bit shorter (and under her ears it's really short due to the matts).  She feels all velvety and smells absolutely beautiful.

Most of my day was spent cleaning out our kitchen.  Things have just piled up - it took a few hours but looks so much better and it feels like time very well spent.

I'm just having a really lazy day.  I dropped a mail to my tutor on being behind this week and I think it's fine.  Tomorrow is the day for getting back on top of things at Uni and work and then next week is a new week.

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