Sun, snow and shadows

Woke up to find it snowing and we decided to go out fairly early for a run on the old railway and through the woods, hoping there was enough snow to cover the ice. The sun was shining.
All went well for the first half but I then went round a field back to the railway (Mr Rat returned through the wood) where the path was icy. However, running on the edge was fine so I didn't put the spikes on and when I got back to the railway and met an icy patch I tried to go round it.
Unfortunately the grass was iced as well and I went down hard onto my right hip (good job it wasn't the left where the camera was). Nothing to do but pick myself up, make sure I was in one piece, put on the spikes to avoid more slips and head the 2 miles back to the car - in a snow shower. I wasn't too sore running but there's a large bruise that is very tender - I won't be able to lie on it tonight!
I've done a variety of fairly sedentary things since we got back in but have made sure I haven't sat for too long at a time.

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