
Rhydd ~ Free

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Rydw i wedi bod yn treulio fy amser yn rhoi pethau ar 'Freecycle' (Recycling for free = Ailgylchu am ddim, efallai?). Mae'n wasanaeth da iawn lle rydych chi'n gallu cynnig pethau a dydych chi ddim eu heisiau mwyach ac os rhywun eu heisiau mae'n gallu dod a'u casglu. Heddiw mae pethau wedi mynd yn gyflym iawn. Mae'n dda i ffeindio pobol a fydd yn gwerthfawrogi ein hen bethau.

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I've been spending my time putting things on 'Freecycle' (Recycling for free = Ailgylchu am ddim, maybe?). It's a very good service where you can offer things you no longer want and if anyone wants it they can come and collect them. Today things have gone very fast. It's good to find people who will appreciate our old things.

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