
Appalling weather, we are submerged. The rain eased slightly at around 3,30 and I ventured out. It was mild and strange mistiness and cloudage going on all over the place. I met Mary who explained the was an astronomical event going on and protons were involved which caused the light to change. It certainly was a strange light. But I liked the wobbly reflections in a colossal puddle best. Seems to fit today which as you will of course know is St Bridget's Eve - a highly liminal time when the veil is lifted briefly and thing usually unseen are glimpsed. She will be out and about and it's traditional to leave a small rag or handkerchief out on a windowsill. As St Bridget passes she will sprinkle it with dew; bring it inside and it will protect from ailments in the coming year. It's also the day to make your Bridget crosses which are then placed in the house for more good luck. See last year's long explanation and watch Mr Calm but Posh demonstrate how to make one. For some reason I am simply terrible at making them and mine looks a little bedraggled but hopefully St Bridget will let me off. Today, and mainly tomorrow, are also days to visit wells - one of the extras shows St Bridget's Well near Lough Hyne, the two dips that make up the well are where she left her knee prints after she had knelt down to pray. It all goes back to the coming of the light and the Celtic festival of Imbolc which is still thriving in one guise or another. Welcome in the Spring. Beachcomber47 we will not even go there!

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