Life In Wales

By KarenC

A Partridge not in a Pear Tree

Lockdown 3 - Day 27

I’ve been a bit absent over the last couple of days, but we’ve had rather a lot going on, which I can now reveal. We’ve made the decision to move closer to our family so have been busy getting the house ready to put on the market for sale.

We had estate agents round on Friday and yesterday and the house will be going on the market next week.

Fortunately Alan is able to work remotely on a permanent basis which means we can go wherever we want, and we’re looking at moving to North Wales. We still want to live near the sea and this is an ideal location as we’ll only be an hour from our family.

We went out briefly to walk the dogs and Alan noticed this partridge in someone’s garden. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera so had to rely on my phone, so I walked up the drive to get closer, and it didn’t seem bothered about me being there. It’s not every day you come across a Partridge!

I hope you’re all well and have had a good weekend.

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