Derelict House

Loved the textures on this old house.  Spotted it while driving through one of the villages today.  Been having a problem with our internet and it has been rather frustrating.  Not use to everything taking ages to upload or download.  

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 431 new cases, 3 fatalities and 439 recoveries today
Individuals vaccinated = 170,433

103,057 cases have been recorded in the sandpit.
Bahrain has  4,083 active cases,  86 are receiving treatment,  28 critical  cases.   375 deaths recorded.   98,599 recoveries.  Total tests done is  2,713,722

BAHRAIN documented a more than 100 per cent rise in new coronavirus infections in the past 10 days as ‘Covid-19 fatigue’ appears to have overrun the community.

Data compiled shows that new cases shot up from 305 on January 22 to a staggering 655 on Saturday.

This represents a 114pc jump in the number of new cases

Britain detects South African variant in people with no travel links

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