Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Leftovers from yesterdays' crafting. :)
Got some small stuff done, but I'm rather tired today. Knew I was going to be, so I'm letting myself taking it easy. 
Re-reading (for the millionth time... ) Return of the Jedi and drinking tea.

I came across a 30 days of Gratitude list, and thought I'd give it a go. I missed the two first days so here they are:

1. What smell are you grateful for today? 
Smell? Well, I'm always grateful for the days I can smell my tea.

2. What technology are you grateful for?
Definitely my computer. I do everything on it... watch tv, listen to music and podcasts, social media, photoshop and writing.

3. What colour are you grateful for?
Green, absolutely... the first sign of spring, and my windowsills are filled with green plants.

What are your answers to these questions? :)

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