Deep peace

Gosh, I think this might be my 10th blipday! Actually it's more, for I started at the end of May 2010 and have somehow lost 9 months. Ah well. Anyway, a decade! What to say! It's been an adventure: from the very beginning where Blip utterly consumes you and you start to see everything as blips; to a slight relaxation after the first year; to a loss of mojos on regular occasions; to a final acceptance that it is what it is and you do what you can do and enjoy it! 
As Mrs Patrick Campbell noted, it's a bit like the : The deep, deep peace of the double-bed after the hurly-burly of the chaise-longue!

It is a remarkable site on many levels - an amazing record of international, national and highly personal events. I love looking back and browsing on my own journal: the similar things that are done each year, the family events, the beards growing, the steady arrival (and going) of cats and wildlife; the constant changing and amazing scenery, the new and consuming interests, the adventures, the wells and the arrival of Esme. I like looking back on other people's journals too, and those that have now left us. And I like being here, the kindness, support and general excellence of us all - quite a few rather good photos too. It's very much part of my life.

And the pic - an old cabin, spotted on our walk today. It's tiny with stunning views out to the sea, now appreciated mostly by sheep. Posher than you might imagine inside, a fireplace at each end, wall recesses for cupboards, patches of plaster still hanging on the walls and possible a loft. 

And we've been amusing ourselves by watching the Irish Gardaí respond  the Jerusalema challenge. It's a huge thing and will suck you in, but make you smile.

And this might do for Wide Wednesday Challenge, book title: Gone with the Wind? 

And are there still balloons?

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