
A wet day, so great for The Big Book Sort. All my fiction is arranged on shelves on the landing in strict alphabetical order. However, as you can imagine, books get taken out and dropped somewhere else and new ones are purchased. They end up in piles all over the house. So once in a while I gather them all up, take all the books off the shelves, so as be able to get them all back in, in order. Of course I always intend getting rid of some - doesn't happen. 

So I have to find more space. Today I moved two shelves of old books up onto the top shelf, which created space below which I hope will be enough to take all the books I have left. The job is only half done, so we will spend the evening and the morning walking around piles of books. 

My blip is of a few of the old books, an odd collection, mainly inherited from my great aunt although some are books that have been in the family for a long time. On the fly leaf of one of them I found the message (in Extras), the kind of message that I add to the books I give the grandchildren for their birthdays (all hardback). So, of course I had to break off to find out who 'Maggie' was, who her 'brother' was and then figure out how the book ended up in my great aunt's house. 

I also broke off to watch a talk about an Archaeology Survey of Great Asby Scar - fascinating. 

And it is reported that the fibre men are getting closer!

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