
As expected, my research project today took about 5 hours altogether. The other way to look at it is that I started at 9am and finished just before 5pm. 

I had to wait around a bit in the afternoon for the party’s central office researchers to issue their briefing for the debate tomorrow, in case it might contain useful information. It did. 

Working today turned out to be ideal. The weather was dreadful. 2ºc. Wind at 20mph (32 kph) from the east. Rain alternating with sleet. 

I did get out briefly in the morning, but hanging around for a Blip in that weather was not even in the back of my mind. When I got in the car to set off I realised it was the first time I had been in it since Friday. What a strange existence.

That leaves the Blip challenge. It is my brand new boy’s toy. Today was the first time of using the new coffee grinder. It was a nervous few minutes at 6am, fumbling around trying to avoid disaster. I am not good with machines. 

Tomorrow will be easier. 

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