Temperature blanket

Another day of staying indoors due to the weather conditions, more snow and fog most of the day. I still didn't fancy my chances for staying upright on a walk so decided it was best not to chance it. I am missing my daily walk and hoping that although the forecast for tomorrow is rain, it will melt back some of the snow and I can get a walk. I will don my new waterproof dungarees, as yet unworn, over my clothes, put on my waterproof coat and go for it. I'm also hoping the rain will have cleared the lane; it's car collection day and I just want it gone so I don't have to think about it anymore. 
I attended a humanist funeral on zoom this afternoon. A friend from the past that I'd not seen for some years, but was a lovely lady and like so many others taken before her time at 66, having struggled with cancer for several years on and off. I've not been part of a humanist funeral before. It was simple and she had planned it herself with the lady that conducted the ceremony. It suited her perfectly, a very fitting farewell. I knew some other friends that were watching so we were able to chat about it after which was nice.
Mum is doing ok and being well looked after. She is happily accepting the help being given and finally asking if she needs anything. Unfortunately one of her friends fell recently, breaking both her arm and her hip, and will not be able to return to her flat. Mum will miss her but will keep in touch. Mum said how fortunate she was in comparison. Life is very fragile as you age.
I made some tofu burgers and homemade sweet potato chips for dinner. I'd not made these particular burgers before, but they were very tasty, must have been the added marmite! So I guess you would either have loved or hated them! I was dubious about them holding together while cooking they seemed quite precarious while moulding, but were ok in the end. Extra photo.
No rushing down the hill for shopping tonight, so a peaceful evening with my farming programmes.

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