Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


I can feel the pull of the vehicles as I stand beside the road...a chill wind that blows across the fen..a thing friendless and unwanted. As its bitter cruelty finds the chinks in my armour I stand and simply look.

My car sits in the layby some half a mile away. The cracks in the path like some snakes and ladders game, giving strange feedback under my feet. Amidst the frost and gently fluttering diaphanous plastic remnants of long discarded carrier bags I drop down into the field.

In the distance I hear the dawn chorus of many birds. The song of greeting and passage into another day. I would dearly love to know their voices....what they they say it. I stare...I stand....I wait in the damp harsh wind.

There it is....the start of another day...I breathe in deeply. Sucking in a huge lung full of precious air I let my mind find some peace. I don't know how long I stood there..... but I came around again with the sound of heavy traffic, best get back into the rat race.

For a brief while it was nice just to breathe....

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