
By BikerJim

~Una Puesta de Sol~

~A Sunset~

Thanks goodness the sunsets are reliable in these parts.
I'm getting a real passion for photographing them.
And I just love working on one after the image is taken.
I'm learning to be a bit more subtle in my post-processing, too!
My first sunset postings were a bit garish and very over saturated.
I'm finding that restraint is the better part of valor in my images.
I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoy posting them.
Your comments are always so encouraging and positive,
They truly bring a smile to my heart.

Thanks Blippers ;o)

Impoftheyard just finished her contribution to the dictionaryproject.
Friday I will start my turn at fingering the lexicographers wordbook.
This endeavor will last two week, I just hope I last two weeks.
If you like the idea and want to get on the list for this project,
check out the thread in the forums and throw your hat into the ring.
I know this will be fun and very mentally challenging, of course
just making coffee in the morning is mentally challenging for me ;o)

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