Here we go again – Day 33

Short walks and snoozing............................That's all we've done today. 

The weather is still horrible so I've only had three, half hour walks, on my lead today. I haven't had any run about time. Boohoo!  Ann says I should think myself lucky that I've had that. She read an article online a couple of days ago that said that up to 40% of puppies bought in lock-down had never been out of their own house. Can you believe that? The world is soon going to be over-run with dogs that haven't been socialised and have all sorts of behavioural problems.  Or abandoned dogs because people who got puppies in the first lock down don't want them any more??!!  Do people not realise that a dog is for life and that it takes a lot of time and effort to train us to become perfect pooches??? Grrrrrrr......................

I'm actually a really good little collie and on the rare occasions when I only get short walks. I never make a fuss and I always just fit in with what Ann wants to do. Ann thinks I have turned into the most perfect pooch ever. Sometimes I still do silly jumping up at random people. I need to work on that!  And much as she loved her very first dog, MollyCollie; Molly would be going hyper indoors if she hadn't had run about time.

Anyway Ann has told me that the first dry day we have, we will go on a big long walk together. Yay! 

.....................................Unfortunately our weather app is showing rain for the rest of our life!!!

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