
Back to work. It was another cold, windy and wet day, so doing something useful, but being away from the house, felt quite positive. I drove to the Office and back.

A pile of new case sheets was lying by my workstation. I feared the worst. However it turned out to be minor idiocy which the Boss had dealt with by phone during the week. I counted 32 case sheets - mostly folk complaining (without any justification) that they have not been vaccinated yet.

They are told not to phone their doctors. They are told not to phone the local health service. They are told they will get a phone call or a letter. That is not good enough, so they phone/email to complain to the Boss. 

It is working. I got a letter today with my appointment. The letter was on schedule (and the envelope is blue). So is the appointment. 

There will be regional differences, as vaccinating massive numbers in a city is easier than smaller numbers in rural areas. The resources are not evenly spread either. 

The health service capacity required is to carry out 400,000 vaccinations per week. They reckon that needs about 1,700 full time vaccinators (other staff too obviously). Few staff are likely to be full time, so they think they have to plan on 3,400 vaccinators in total. 

They have over 5,500 individual vaccinators registered. Over 4,000 people have had national training on administering the Pfizer vaccine and around 4,700 on the AstraZeneca. This is in addition to local training.

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