My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Well the promised snow duly arrived first thing this morning and our early walk was interesting and exhilarating to say the least.   It's snowed all day and still is at 5pm, if my patio table is anything to go by we've had at least 4 inches and when we did our walk at 4pm the wind had picked up and was blowing all the loose snow into snow drifts.    These are pictures of Luna having fun in the garden earlier, another in extras.   I've found it very difficult to get clear pictures with snow getting onto the lens, a very dull light and too much contrast from the bright snow and Luna's black coat.
Anyway, they are a good record of today, the 7th February, and also celebrating Steven's birth 48 years ago, it snowed that day too and I was worried that I'd have to stay in hospital if my husband couldn't get there to take us home !!!

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