The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Argo Hour: He shall have a fishy...

Unfortunately I can't manage to keep up the 365, it was spur of the moment after all, but enjoy the Blipping and woffling, so have decided on the as and when option and some backblipping.

What better time to blip than when I've got another Argo image (or several)! Had a good morning at work, popped home for lunch and it was such a lovely day I grabbed my camera to go on an Argo mission.

There were already a couple of people there packing up to leave who I got chatting to. They were from the Stockport Photographic Society and knew my friend Sue from Camera Club. A lady also watching Argo tucked in the trees started chatting that she'd seen a photo of Argo via Twitter and did I know VitalSparks as it was due to him that she'd come down to look! I chatted to someone who'd been taking photos of him the day before and who expressed an interest in our Club and saw someone who I thought I recognised and it turned out he was down the week before and features in a photo taken by someone else from our club. It's quite a social gathering when Argo is in town! I'm the first to admit I don't always feel fully sociable but the mutual 'Argo love' down there gives a real feelgood feeling.

I spent about an hour watching him fishing. I knelt, stood, crouched and sat on pathway, finger half pressed, just hoping for some action shots. My poor legs! Still work in progress in many cases but the more I go, the more chance I have of better shots - someone from Club mentioned we could borrow a 500mm mirror lens, wonder whether to take him up on that! All images are pretty cropped.

I've put some more in my new Argo Flickr album - he was starting to take over my birds folder.

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