
By JennyOwen

Vaccination day!

The big day: a trip to a local church & church hall a mile or so away, for The Vaccination. 
It was all running very smoothly: volunteer stewards checking us in, carefully-spaced chairs in a community hall, a numbered ticket for each of us, the sets of vaccination stations in the main (modern) church itself.  The jabs were being administered by local GPs.  The whole place was buzzing with a kind of good-humoured sense of purpose.  There are a couple of extras of the hall.

For me, this was the essence of a publicly-funded and much-loved (if rather battered) health system: high-tech care available to all, regardless of wealth or status, in a room lined with cardboard boxes of essential supplies. No crony contracts for dodgy private operators; no glossy surfaces or hyped-up claims;  just the high-quality care being delivered ahead of schedule with complete commitment. 
If we had been allowed to hug, I htink we would all have hugged every health professional and steward in the place.
Jack had his vaccination today too, in Leeds - rather appropriately it was in the Thackray Musuem of Medicine.

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