A day for a Summer coat?

Just the day to start knitting #2 daughter’s summer Kaffe Fasset. coat. Today she is 46 and has taken the day off work to walk with a friend to South Shields.

There was a lot of snow in the night (9” or so)

which isn’t good as our house is near the end of the road so there’s little traffic and no prospect of a snow plough. However Mr C swept the snow from the car and set off to pick up friend Chris-with-the-broken-leg as she had an appointment at Wansbeck hospital about 35 miles away on the coast to get a bone density scan. (We were quite far down her list of asking but all the others had got Covid jag appointments).

It’s cold but I’m having to manage without heating as the promised fuel hasn’t arrived.

Book Group 2 today. Linda Grant The Thoughtful Dresser. I let rip on her. It was good actually as some people got a lot out of it. Certainly enough to talk about - if you have £2000 handbags, or even are interested in them.

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