Not every day

By ppatrick

Cat burglar, embezzler?

For some time now we've kept the butter in the microwave because it's the only convenient place where the cats can't get at it (apart from the fridge, but then it's too hard to spread). This week Truffle, the master thief, finally worked out how to open the door. Getting the lid off the butterdish was already a familiar trick, and having licked all she wanted she left it to the other cats to gorge themselves.

So I repurposed a wooden wine case as a butter-safe, not particularly confident but it seemed worth a try. She waited, she watched, she reflected. The next day we went out for a long walk and when we came back the box was open (main picture), the lid was off the butter dish and the butter on the floor (extras). 

Now I've put two metal hooks on the sliding lid, and four days later it remains intact. But she waits, she watches, she reflects...

Meanwhile I checked out Gianni Zonin (the name on the box). It transpires that he is not only a major wine producer in Italy and the USA, but also a banker who went bust five years ago, having taken the no doubt sensible precaution of transferring much of his wealth to his family just beforehand. 

Clearly, low cunning is neither uniquely human, nor uniquely feline.

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