Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Agile magpie

I'm not a great fan of magpies (I agree with Michael Morpergo in his tweet of the day), but almost nothing else visited me today, apart from the extra!

Frustrating day using tethering on the cameras/computers. I started with the Panasonic G9, but had some problems, so decided to switch from PC to Mac. It turned out that the Panasonic app does not work o the current Mac Big Sur OS release! Problems with new releases of Mac OS with graphics apps are quite a frequent issue!! Fine on PCs though .... So Macs just work??? Anyway, then tried the Olympus with its software on the Mac, and of course that worked fine. 

I really do find Oly software and firmware is the most reliable, and offers far more free, useful features than the other cameras I use (Sony still do not have focus bracketing, even on the latest camera at almost £6500, and if you do flower, insect etc photography that is very bad news). Also I find the Oly implementation seems much more intuitive than others. But will "Oly" survive under new ownership, and will support continue to be as good?

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