Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Hearts and Flowers was the subject of the art history lecture today.... it seems it was the 14th century before our well known heart shape was used for a symbol of love in illuminated manuscripts.    These hearts that I’ve abstracted are from a Greek bowl from 500 BCE...... not hearts but maybe ivy leaves?   Extras, the bowl, the manuscript 

Not a great day.. got up too early after not much sleep for physical therapy for both shoulder and hand..but .progress there! 
Snow flurries now.  In earnest tomorrow but hopefully late enuf for us to get to our 2nd vaccine dose ...I’m nervous, not so much getting there, ( up a big hill....our Volvo might get tested). but the clinic has shortened its hours so it might be extra crowded....or not.   Will report.   Right now there are power outages near the vaccine site.
Waiting a report from cocoa bean the grand dog who must have eaten something bad to cause surgery for obstruction.   2 out of 4 in that family escaped getting sick from the covid virus but I think they are clear from quarantine deal with the dog!
Tired.   But started sorting the knitting... good therapy for the fingers 

Edit:  Cocoa is ok....ate bamboo

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