Problem Solving

One of the things that interested me when I was teaching was the emphasis on active learning and problem solving.  It seemed to me that if you could teach children and young adults the skills and thought processes necessary to think about and address problems and tasks logically then that would be a good preparation for life.  I worked hard to make that a significant part of the teaching of English.  Not always easy but always thought provoking trying to include knowledge and skills.  I went to a very traditional girls' grammar school where practical skills except in music and PE didn't feature in my experiences.   Consequently I am challenged by things like building a work bench.  SHH is very patient with me and let's me interfere while trying to get it sorted out in my head.  I realise that I need a few more of those skills now.  We had a few problems to sort out with the construction and fitting of the drawer but we are pleased with the finished article.  Little things...

Looking forward to being invited for a vaccination soon...

8 15 in the evening and we have just booked our vaccinations for Valentine's Day and 2 May!  Hoorahhhhhh!

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