Day two of CNY

A very relaxed Saturday morning, no cakes to get out the door. And Martin’s back isn’t 100%, so he didn’t go on his weekly hike.

We did catch up on FaceTime with friends in Vancouver who left last summer. Good to hear about how their move went and the process of buying a house and car etc, and just settling back into their home country.

Roberto and Elizabeth came over for canasta and dinner. Martin and I lost the last time we played them, so we need to redeem ourselves.

I had to leave for a little while as I’d committed to a Zoom call with friends from Dubai from our youth days . We are in different counties now but most were able to make it.

I rejoined the canasta session and sadly we lost again ... never mind more games to play before we leave!

These are the flowers I got for CNY. Lilies are sooo fragrant.

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