
Phase two - clip the Artemisia back, ready for this year's new growth.
Aside -  Mother (Gran) always called it "Sutteren wood".  On a whim I've just searched for:-
"artemisia alternate names" When I discovered there are, apparently 11 varieties, one of which is known as "Southern Wood"  As folk have taken to saying recently "Who knew?" 
WELL I didn't for one.
It seems the frost result on the Hellebores is mixed.  Some appear successful with their "Plantifreeze", while others are less successful to the point of death.
: ¬ (
Still to break out, but doubtful if it'll be this month:-
Snowdrops - Viridapice.
Daffodils - small, unkown.
and, possible "Scillas/Chionodoxa
"Chionodoxa is one of the first bulbs to flower in spring. Also known as glory of the snow, the bulbs are native to Eastern Europe where they flower at high altitudes. "
IF I ever see any growing in snow, you'll be the second to know.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
I'd better explain the thumbnail EH?
I found an Artemisia which had layered itself, so I cut it off from "Mummy" and, as the parent's age must be measured in decades rather than years; SO - I have a replacement ready.


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