and through the wire...

By hesscat

Arlo Barrow

So it looks like the overnight defrost was faster than I thought it would be and now that the track is clear, we can rejoin civilisation out there. Mrs C did a test run to get milk for my crunchy nuts but she said there was no welcoming party? What is wrong with you guys? Lockdown smockdown indeedy.

Despite the thaw, we have piles of dirty snow in the back garden. The sun don't shine there in the winter. Arlo was determined to reach the bird feeders again by jumping in his grandad's old barrow for a lift up. I have a photo somewhere of my brother and I sitting in it, eek almost 50 years ago, I must break out of this mockdown slockdown lethargy and find it. I think my dad would have liked Arlo, he can be a real goody two shoes sook when he wants to be (Arlo, not my dad).

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