
A gorgeous day - warm and sunny and we have worn ourselves out, working hard in the garden. The polytunnel is good to go, two beds are cleared and Himself has been digging out a bed ready, hopefully, for a wall to be re-rendered. Someone is coming to inspect said wall which needs all the plaster hacking off prior to new stuff going on prior to getting the house painted. 

Today's Tiny Tuesday theme is something you treasure - thank you pinkhairedlady. This is my pounamu. It's made from greenstone or New Zealand jade, a stone considered both beautiful and sacred by Maori. Traditionally you must not buy it for yourself but you should let it find its way to you. Himself saw it and unbeknownst to me, purchased it for me. It's a Koru, or spiral, and represents  the unfurling fern frond seen on New Zealand’s silver ferns. It signifies new beginnings, growth and harmony with the promise of a meaningful relationship. I haven't taken it off since.

Himself is currently whipping up some batter for pancakes. Shrove Tuesday in Ireland has some odd traditions. You're not allowed to get married during Lent and so the time for some serious courting was between Christmas and Shrovetide. Anyone left on the shelf by then was ridiculed! Households left with unmarried daughters on Shrove Tuesday tried to imbue them with better luck for the coming year by allowing them to toss the first pancake. Their pancake-making skills, for better or worse, were seen as an indication of their romantic chances for the next year. Good job Himself hadn't seen my pancake -making skills prior to courtship for we wouldn't have got very far! 
How do you like yours? Good old lemon and sugar for me.
And of course it's Ash Wednesday tomorrow and some churches are providing an  Ash and Dash Ash opportunity - drive through and collect your own envelope!
Never dull.

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