Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mission control

Working long hours as usual. One of my NHS heroes.

I had a really good day. They’re all pretty good at the moment. Re-hung the outhouse door and fitted a new latch; helped The Dizzle put up some shelves and pictures in his room. Went for a walk. Did some admin. Found time to read. 

I Bought myself a new camera which is arriving tomorrow - my little LX100 is on its last legs and it’s touch and go whether it will work when you turn it on.

The Dizzle and Mystic Em made the most amazing vegan lasagna tonight (see extras). Really gorgeous. After that we were too full for pancakes, shrove Tuesday or not, so will have some tomorrow.

I sense people are relaxing. Something about the atmosphere when I go into town. Not sure that’s a good thing yet ...

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