With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

As is the custom

on this day of the year, we like to get to the sea if we can. The boys were a bit fractious, even after a trip to the plaza, so we leapt in the car, got in some provisions and had a good mooch about. After playing on the wibbly wobbly walkway we started walking on the beach. Despite efforts for a clean up (I think it still happened) last weekend, there is still a lot of detritus there, though most of it natural. I found it a bit depressing to be walking on plastic though, so we started to clear it up. After the first two bin bags full we ran out of containers. Then I found an entire mashed up inflatable boat, so we dragged that up to the ramp and piled more on top of that. Then I found another bin bag, so we filled that. Apart from my two and the dog, one little boy helped for a minute and an hour and a half later this is about two thirds of what we got in total. All very satisfying, though I think some other residents thought I was completely bonkers. I think Dad would have approved.

Chinese is ordered and I'm off to the bath.

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